Course Library

Premium Courses

Looking for Grant's full courses that offer a complete roadmap from going from beginner to advanced? Hours and hours of high quality course materials and guided practice to increase your skills and build anything you can imagine!

Beginner Tutorials

Here is a curated list of beginner tutorials hosted on YouTube that will help you get started using blender. You will create some simple objects and get used to the Blender user interface.

Intermediate Tutorials

The intermediate tutorials are a selection of videos from Grant's YouTube channel that will build on the foundational knowledge and skills learned from the beginner tutorials.

Advanced Tutorials

Ready to make complex objects and learned advanced tricks? These tutorial videos are sure to teach you how to continue your journey with Blender. *Not recommended for novices.

Sculpting Tutorials

Wanting to learn how to make 3D characters for games or animation? Or maybe you want to sculpt some nice environmental assets. Check out these tutorials to get started in sculpting in Blender.

Texture Painting Tutorials

Have you ever wondered how to hand paint your 3D models inside of Blender? These videos will help you learn the skills needed to make your 3D models look stunning and amazing.

3D Printing

Are you interested in 3D printing? These videos will show you what's needed to get started and things to keep in mind when creating 3D models meant for 3D printing.

Kit and Course Reviews

From time to time, Grant does reviews on courses and equipment that can help you on your journey. You might find some valuable insights from an industry expert by viewing these reviews.

Recommended Paid Courses

These are paid courses that Grant recommends if you want to learn more depth into specific skillsets related to 3D art and graphic design. They will help shorten your learning curve, but note that Grant is not an instructor in these courses.